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موقع الناس .. ملتقى لكل العراقيين /  ديمقراطي .. تقدمي .. علماني



د. بهجت عباس




الجمعة 29/5/ 2009

حسّني لغتك الإنكليزية يا جامعة المستنصرية

ترجمة : د. بهجت عباس

جذب انتباهي موقع الجامعة المستنصرية المنشور على الإنترنت باللغة الإنكليزية فاستغربت من أن جامعة مرموقة تضم كليات كثيرة لم تستطع أن تبرز ذاتها للعالم المتحضر بلغة إنكليزية جيدة ذات ثوب قشيب ، فلربما اعتقدتْ أنّ ما كتبتْه هو من جيِّد الكلام أو هكذا خُيِّل لها ، أو ربما لا تبالي بما كتبتْ ، فكلاهما لديها سِيّان وليقلْ مَنْ شاء ما يشاءُ. هذه اللغة ليست ركيكة متفكِّكة التركيب ومعظم جملها غير مفهومة فحسب ، بل تعجّ بأغلاط نحوية ولغوية وإملائية ومطبعية . ولا أدري ما هو انطباع القارئ الأجنبي عنها حين يقرأها وكيف يستطيع احترامها واحترام واضعها. والغريب أيضاً أنَّ اللغة العربية للدائرة القانونية فيها أعجب ، وقراءتها وتفسيرها للنصوص والوثائق المكتوبة بالعربية خاطئة أيضاً (سآتي على ذلك في مقال لاحق) . وها أنا ذا أذكر النصَّ الإنكليزي كما ورد بالضبط وقد وضعت الأغلاط بين أقواس وباللون الأحمر . ولما كانت الجمل فيها غير واضحة وعسيرة الفهم على القارئ أعدتُ صياغتها بعد تصحيح أغلاطها ووضعتها تحت النص الأصلي وباللون الأزرق . لا مانع لديّ من قيام الجامعة المذكورة باستبدال ما كتبتُ بما كتبتْ ، فهي من دون أجور ، كمنتسب سابق إلى هذه الجامعة التي هضمتْ حقوقي الآن من غير حقّ أو حياء (سيأتي تبيان ذلك قريباً جداً) وليس في العهد الصدّامي المباد :

Al Mustansiriyah school which (built) by Al Mustansir Billah in Baghdad , (it) was (First) university in middle ages not only in Baghdad , but in (Islamic country) and the world .it was opened (5th) of may ? Rijiab in 1234-631.

It was (First) university concerned to study (Karan) and biography of prophet Mohammed , oratory , doctrine and Arabic science ,Mathematics , and religious duties heritage, (medicine) sciences, and (mantinance)  (healf) , which considered senior Islamic university collected) , (doctorine) studies according to (Fourth)  Islamic rite ,Al-Mustansiriayah (specialized) with Large Islamic building , then added college of medicine , so we never (Found) similar in another school which (build) before like AL Nithamia and Al tajia. And other in Baghdad school Moreover  to (doctorine) and (medicience) school , added two important (building) First Koran second Dar Al suna, so we can say Al mustansir Billah who collected all Four Islamic (doctorine) , science of Koran , biography of prophet mohammed , (medicine) science , Arabic and mathematics religious duties and (mantinance) of health , put all of then in one place consisted contact and adjacent buildings called (Al-Mustansiriayh)some of these buildings (obtiterate) by time, (pecularties)

1. (Fixing Financial to specify daily apportion to associate of students ,Teachers ,officers and workmen those who about 500 person these Fees increased In Ramadan in every year.)

2. Al Mustansiryiah (watch) :- (it) was a big (watch) (held) at the beginning (of a wall in front door besideAl mustanasiria it was known the time of prayers and how spent a day and night), this wonderful (watch) (consist) of a circle had a (stronomy) pictures (as) in arches and (every) side of these arches had two gold birds above of two cup gold , every hour , the two birds (opened) and drop filbert , and each filbert (droped) the door opened from these arches to notify the time of prayer and spent time of day and night.

3. Al Mustansiria cabinet :- It was the only (liberary) considered scientific resource to the student , teachers scholars, imams , researchers , inside and outside al mustansiria the historgrapher mentioned when it opened , Al Mustansir , put precious books and manuscript , and its ordered according its classification to (Facil) deal with , its worth (mentionring) one of itscabinet , it was Ibin A Futy Al Shibani , it ever Found like it in a world . He made paper and (pencile) free (to whom , want copy one) of manuscript.

4. Entailment of al mustansiryiah:-

Al- Mustansiriyh devoted about one millions dinars its (comings) more than seventh thousand (particle) of gold these (imeoms) of money come from (shopes), villages and  urbans shams Al Dian Al Zahabi said in his last part of  his manuscript  about history  of  Islam.  These (incomes) only from (Dimasics)  and, he (didn?t) know about its (incomes) it might be a big amount  of money more than 152 of  ground divided on twenty-six places in village and unbans in Iraq.

التصحيح والصيغة المقترحة

Al Mustansiriyah school which was built by Al Mustansir Billah in Baghdad, was the first university in the middle ages not only in Baghdad,  but in the Islamic countries and the world. It was opened on the 5th of may  Rijiab in 1234-631.

Al-Mustansiriyah was the first university dedicating in teaching Koran, biography of prophet Mohammed, oratory, doctrine, Arabic sciences, Mathematics, religious duties heritage, medical sciences, and maintenance of health, which is considered as a senior Islamic university in doctrine studies according to fourth  Islamic rite. ALMustansiriayh is characterized by Large Islamic building. A college of medicine is added to it, so we never found similar to it in another school, which was built before, as  AL Nithamia and Al tajia and others in Baghdad. More to doctrine and medical schools, two important buildings are added, the first is Koran and the second is Dar Al Sunna. Therefore we can say that Al Mustansir Billah, who gathered all four Islamic doctrines, science of Koran, biography of prophet Mohammed, medical science, Arabic and mathematics, religious duties and maintenance of health, put all of them in one place together with the adjacent buildings (Al-Mustansiriayh). However some of these buildings were obliterated by time.

1. Fixing Financial matter to give out the daily apportion to the students, teachers ,officers and workmen, who were about 500 persons. These amounts were increased in Ramadan every year.

2. Al Mustansiryiah’s clock was a big one,  hung (fixed) in the beginning of a wall in front of the door beside Al Mustanasiriya, to show the time of prayers and how to spend the day and night. This wonderful clock consists of a circle which has  astronomical pictures in arches, and each side of these arches has two golden birds above of two cups of gold. Every hour the two birds open and drop a filbert, and each filbert dropped, the door opens from these arches to notify the time of prayer and to spend time of day and night.

3. Al Mustansiriya cabinet was the only library considered as a scientific resource for the students, teachers, scholars, imams and researchers inside and outside Al Mustansiriya. Al Mustansir put valuable books and manuscript, and its order is according to its classification for facility. One of his cabinets was Ibin A Futy Al Shibani, who was unique in giving papers and pencils free to anyone who wants to copy the manuscript.

4. Entailment of Al-Mustansiryiah:-

Al-Mustansiriyh devoted about one millions dinars to its comers, more than seven thousand particles of gold. This income comes from shops, villages and urbans, as Shams Al Dian Al Zahabi said in his last part of  his manuscript about the history  of  Islam. These incomes are only from Dimasics ?!  and, he didn’t know about its income, it might be a big amount of money i.e more than 152 of  ground divided on twenty-six places in village and unbans in Iraq.




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